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Add a mac build.

Doesn't seem feasible in Godot. Like there are ways to do it but the player also needs to download another tools. So, it is not very convenient.

wait, so you need  the player to download tools to export to mac? I export to mac and I use godot and it doesn't seem the same.

I haven't tried it, I read that you need tools on the Q&A of godot's site but maybe that info was outdated. I checked the docs and you are correct, the user doesn't need extra tools. They just need to disable the gatekeeper? (I suppose this is like windows security).  However, I will look up how to export to mac in detail for my next projects. Not thinking about returning back to it at the moment


Voyager Gameplay


Thanks for playing!


Cute art style✨🩷


Awesome game! I love these space shooters and this one is really fun. I like that I could play it in browser on my phone. Thanks for the sweet game!


Thank you for playing!